Algebra and Analytic Geometry

Beginning in the 16th century the diverse fields of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry were integrated.  Standard notations were developed: symbols for operations, the equal sign, using letters of the alphabet to represent unknowns, and the use of exponents and coefficients.  Descartes and Fermat applied algebra to geometry, bringing the full power of the former to bear on the latter.  This became known as analytic geometry, the precursor of calculus.

Diophantus of  Alexandria

Diophantus of Alexandria
Diophantus of Alexandria


Francois Viete
Biography of Francois Viete


Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes


Pierre de Fermat
Fermat's Last Theorem


John Napier
Kepler, Napier, and the Third Law
Napier's Bones


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